Our Services

Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00AM

Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00PM

Sunday Bible Class: 10:00AM

Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30PM

“Holladay is the church where visitors become friends and friends become family.” 

History of the Church of Christ at Holladay

A survey conducted around 1935 determined that there was a need for a congregation in the Holladay community.  Some of the original families of that congregation were the: Dowells, Wards, Gentrys, Montgomerys, and the Randolphs.  They first met in the Judd Cemetery building.  The first sermon was preached by Brother Albert Ward in 1935.   However, the building was reserved for the meeting of any “denomination”, so since the Church of Christ is not a denomination, a new meeting place had to be found…

In approximately 1945, Brother and Sister Everett Dowell donated a plot of land so that a place could be built solely for the meeting of the Holladay Church of Christ. The people started a new building and with the help of the Willow Grove Church of Christ and other congregations, it was completed. Some of the original workers who helped to get the church house built were: Campble and Carlos Gentry, Henry Neeley, H. Patton, Lee Mitchell, Wesley Randolph, Tom and Faye Montgomery, S. Goolsby, and Everett Dowell. The congregation grew from about fifty members to over one hundred. Changes were made to this building throughout the years. In 1966, the auditorium was enlarged. In 1968, a baptistry and restrooms were added, and in 1973, five extra classrooms were added.

In the next few months, a permit from the county allowed the twenty-five to thirty members to meet in the wooden building of the Holladay schoolhouse. The first elders appointed were Campble Gentry and Wesley Randolph. 

As the congregation and its needs grew, the elders realized the need for a new building. Not only was the previous building in need of repair, but the elders had the foresight to provide a new facility that would enable us to increase our outreach and service to our neighbors. In 1988, the Church of Christ at Holladay met in its present location which was across the street from the original building. Brother Denton Ramsey presented the first sermon in the new building. The elders were Boyd Clouse, Charles England, and Bill Ramsey. The new building was a dream realized for the growing church. Today, the Holladay congregation has grown to nearly 200 members. Our present minister is Brother Johnny Fox. We are entering once again a new phase of growth and outreach. We hope to rise to the challenges that face us and take advantage of another great opportunity that has been given to us.

The first sermon was preached by Brother Albert Ward in 1935. Other ministers include Charles Gentry, Henry Neeley, James Murphy, Ridley Kirby, Edward Anderson, Ray Kinslow, James Wheeler, Ray Roberst, Robert Hutcheson, J.T. Smith, Elmer Crozier, Hugh McHenry, Carl Wilmoth, Arkley Billingsley, Frank Vaughn  David Dyer, Charles Maxwell, Houston Stiles, David Fox, Jack Reed, Kenneth Mears, Denton Ramsey, and Johnny Fox.